List of Resolutions
- 21-1 Resolution of Town Board to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits
- 23-1 Resolution Regarding Posting Locations for Public Notifications
- 00-02 Resolution Public Participation Plan
- 02-01 Resolution Annual Meeting Officer Hourly Wage
- 03-02 Delinquent Utility Bills
- 03-06 Resolution Pine View Beach
- 03-07 Resolution Abandonment 188th Ave
- 05-01 Resolution Highway 46 Project
- 06-01 Resolution Access Green Bay Half Moon Lake
- 06-02 Resolution Little Balsam Access
- 06-03 Resolution Health Care Facilities
- 09-01 Resolution Boundary Agreement
- 17-03 Resolution Treasurer's Bond
- 18-1,2,3 Public Resolutions Exceed Levy limit, Levy, Roads
- 18-5 Resolution Exempt Treasurer from Bond (Replaces 17-3)
- 20-2 Resolution of Town Board to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits
- 1989 Resolution Crushing Agreement
- 74-08 Resolution #2 Retaining Attorney
- 74-10 Resolution #4 South Antler Lake Road
- 74-11 Resolution #5 Driveways (replaced by 18-3 Ord)
- 76-09 Resolution #9 Oscar's Lane
- 77-02 Resolution Northwestern Electric Company
- 77-12 Resolution #12 Road Eastside Antler Lake
- 78-07 Resolution #16 Road Name Change
- 78-08 Resolution Signing Agreement
- 84-12 Resolution #22 Clossing Landfill
- 86-04 Resolution #23 Highway RW .24 acres.pdf
- 88-07 Resolution #25 Abandon 133 Street
- 89-06 Resolution #26 Cleanup of Pits
- 89-27 Resolution #27 Antler Lake Association
- 90-08 Resolution #29 Recycling
- 93-12 Resolution #32 127th Street Adoption
- 94-01 Resolution Rescinded
- 94-07 Resolution Assessor's Plat Notice
- 95-02 Resolution SnowPlowing (Replaced by Snow Plow Policy 19-1
- 98-03 Resolution Lake Management Grant
- Delinquent Special Assessments and Special Charges
- Transportion Resolution for Funding
- Resolution 16-02